Monday 25 April 2016


First of all, so sorry I haven't posted for so's been a little crazy around here- between extension lessons for the Exams classes, studying like crazy to meet up with an on-going online course and getting set for the start of the last term for this academic session phew!  

Anyhow, like I promised in the last blog, I will be sharing snippets of the behaviour management strategies workshop organized by my boss and mentor Dr. Gospel Ikpeme. Behaviour management is a big deal across all the levels of education- from early years to secondary- it is one major reason that teachers quit the profession. Some teachers have gotten a hang of it while some are struggling and on the verge of throwing in the towel.

 If you belong to the category of teachers who are at a loss about how to effectively manage their classroom, fret not help is here. If you click here you will be  directed to a presentation which I hope you will find useful for managing your classroom this new term and beyond.

Many thanks to Dr. Gospel Ikpeme for the opportunity to share.


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