Tuesday 25 August 2015

Back to School!

The summer holiday is fast ebbing away and while some teachers struggle to hold on to the fragments of its dying embers, others look forward to an exciting school year. So how many days do you have left, 3 days, one week or two more weeks? Don’t matter; it is still enough to get yourself into work mode.
It is common practise for teachers to resume at least one week ahead of the learners in order to get the classrooms and other things ready for a smooth running term. Some schools use this time for training sessions but some teachers just want to focus on preparing lesson plans, instructional resources and other activities and they grumble whenever they are asked to suspend everything for training sessions. Endeavour to take advantage of these sessions because smart work is always better than hard work, sharpen the axe so you can work more effectively this school year.
Take a critical look at the past school year and read up about the areas you had struggles in, ask questions from colleagues who got it right in those areas and determine to get it right this time. If you are a rookie teacher or you just got a new job in another school you might be feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension, remember that no matter how much you know you can never know it all so you need to attach yourself to teachers who have been there before you. Do not make the mistake of assuming, when in doubt ask someone.

No matter what you do, decide to pour out yourself in the coming school year, get tired of being stuck in the rut, do something new, get creative, be your best!


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